vineri, 10 mai 2013

Enterprise Arhitect Database Shape Component

Oh, hello there, It's only been two years, please do excuse me, but one needs to be in a certain state to be able to share his knowledge.

I got to the point where I needed to make a Component Diagram in Enterprise Arhitect. All good and beautiful using the hyper smart Enterprise Arhitect, 30 Days Trial version. Aaaaand I want to add a component that looks like the agreed database symbol in a diagram. guess what I was so stupid I couldn't find it in Enterprise Arhitect, I still doubt there is any, I can't understand why wouldn't such a well known tool have such a common Symbol.

I any case the solution was to find out how to make sterotypes, how to use them and I just took a provided shape from here (which proves I was not the only one needing it):
  • Go to the Enterprise Arhitect -> Setting -> UML Types... -> Stereotypes Tab
  • Put a Stereotype name: e.g. DatabaseShape
  • Select Base Class all (or other)
  • Select Shape Script radio button
  • Press Asign Button
  • Paste:

  • shape main
    Please remember that I took this code from Sparx System Forum.

To use it:
  • Add a new Component from the toolbox
  • Double click on it
  • In Stereotype Droplist choose the Stereotype name you just created
  • Of course you can resize it

And it should look like this:

Have fun!!!